Monday, October 3, 2011

Sleuthing Milwaukee

After a nice September rest, I am back to work. Yesterday's definition of that work was pounding 26.2 miles on my Newton sneakers along the lakefront of Milwaukee. Marathon #4 is down! As much as it hurt 24 hours ago, why am I already contemplating which one to do next year? I attribute this craziness to my mother, who kindly watched and cheered me during the race.

Anyway, now that my training is finished, and now that I feel rested and rejuvenated again, I am back to sleuthing. I am changing up the formula a bit, a little less rigid in the 'one artist a month' and secretive concepts. I am just going to share my studio adventures and hope you all enjoy.

On that note, today I want to share a bit of my visit with Milwaukee painter Zim Zwadlo. He is the master of the aerial observation, and I absolutely love the pedestrian piece that my firm placed in our first round at 1600 Glenarm Place, so it was nice to meet the man behind the brush.

Jim's house is in an eclectic part of Milwaukee, not far from the domes that house the city's botanical gardens. First glance - yes, an artist lives here:
Inside the Victorian I was delighted to meet Jim, sporting a tweed sportcoat, as well as his wife Sue, also sporting a tweed sportcoat. They were quite the cute couple. Here is a shot of Jim in front of some of his works:
And, bonus, it turns out that Sue is a painter as well. Here is one of her floral still life paintings:

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