Wednesday, September 7, 2011

August Off

Your studio sleuth has been slacking...obviously. I have teed up my next artist, actually couple of artists, but the two are spending this month getting married and have, understandably, not been too responsive to my prying questions. So I'm going to let them honeymoon and use the August month to freestyle my posts.
Today's topic is located in a little place called Aspen. Well, it's actually close to that little place in another great mountain town, Snowmass: Anderson Ranch Arts Center. The mission of the institution is "to nurture and inspire imaginations of all ages, encouraging experimentation, intensive inquiry and creative production. Anderson Ranch is an international center for the creation of new work and untried art forms for leading artists of our time." What better place? The mountains always inspire me, and I can see why convening talented teaching artists with inquisitive practicing artists can lead to new frontiers in art creation.
Here is a piece by a former resident from the 2009-2010 season, E. Piatt Wilson: